I changed the vernacular from English to French because someone told me I couldn’t. lol. I changed all the hardware and added escutcheons. I also filled in the shell detail with wood putty. I used Amy Howard Cartouche as the base, then Seashell by Vintage Market, then French Blue by Amy Howard. The next step is a dark grey drybrushing. Then I sanded and waxed, first with clear, then dark wax.
- Follow Andie’s Divine Theatre Facebook page.
- Follow her blog at divinetheatre.blogspot.com/
Before And After
Andie Pauly via Instagram
Handsome Husband laughs at me because I enjoy washing the dishes but wouldn’t you? Getting ready to put dishes away after the party.

Breakfast in the gardens.

Entry in Summer. Everyone told me not to plant ivy. I am so glad I didn’t listen!


The Dining Room